Look, I was feeling really good. REALLY good. The weather is gorgeous, I had a good swim, I was getting stuff done.

And then I ran into the unequal workload in our house. Again. And I got angry.

But that’s going to keep happening. My husband has no energy, and he can’t feel his feelings. He seems to have no interest in cooking, cleaning, gardening, doing maintenance, or parenting. I might have wanted to sit down after getting the groceries away and the laundry done, but it wasn’t going to happen.

I’ll need to figure out what to do about this. I know I can’t do anything to help him if he doesn’t want it. But I do need to figure out how to handle it from my side of things so it doesn’t sap my energy.

So, I dragged them all outside to make them do things and feel feelings. Because I’m a fucking monster.

Time for the Shit That Was Good. The Good Shit:

  • Enjoyed my 2.2 km swim. It was mostly freestyle, some with fins, some with paddles, fairly easy pace. A few 100m at 85% effort. Two IMs. 200m breaststroke to cool down.
  • Did some tumbleturn things afterwards. Not actual swim turns, just continuous turns. I seem to be able to do 5 continuously before I somehow wind up a bit sideways and it falls apart. Did 3 of those.
  • The sauna was actually hot, ohhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  • Felt like a fucking badass afterwards, listened to Cosby Sweater by the Hilltop Hoods in the car. That’s it, that’s the feeling I was feeling.
  • Got all the groceries away and the laundry started and worked a little bit on the photo blog (before I got interrupted and interrupted and started to feel angry).
  • RSVP’d for a 6 year old’s birthday party.
  • Took unwilling family out of the house under protest. Dragged their grumpy butts to a playground.
  • Climbed a climbing wall thingy.
  • Went on two different types of swings.
  • Saw a dude on a unicycle!
  • Made husband drive up Gorge Road to the Kangaroo Creek Reservoir so he could feel his anxiety as he drove through all the hairpin turns. Then he got to feel his relief when he got back to suburbia. I don’t think he’s pleased with me.
  • Saw a race car thingy!
  • Did a little bit of colouring in.
  • Ate some fruit (will eat vegetables with dinner).
  • Put the laundry away, bringing the streak to 5 days.
  • Didn’t… have an emotional flashback. At least, so far.
A man riding a modern unicycle through a park by a playground
some kind of orange race car thingy, I don't even know what it is, on a twisty road in Adelaide's hills





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