Well, under the quarry lake.

I finally caved and bought a camera that can take photos under water. And then that’s what I did. Immediately. Jumped straight into the quarry lake, and took photos.

But I didn’t have anything floating to attach to it (yet) so I was pretty concerned I’d drop it to the bottom of the quarry lake. I’ll find something. I have a good idea where to go.

Aside from the possibility that I’ll drop it straight to the bottom of what appears to be a bottomless pit, it’s pretty bulletproof. So I can give the camera to family members to take photos of things without worrying about stuff.

Mostly, I just kind of wanted… to be able to explore some of the ideas I’ve had that have been… either too close to the water for comfort… or in the water.

Some of that is just snapshots of my little guy with water play. He loves water play and it’d be nice if I didn’t have to choose between joining in and getting some pictures of him having all that fun. I’ve tried to capture some pics before and what happens is I go AH NOO MY CAMERAAAA and there’s two blurry photos and I rush to get it to safety.

Some of it is that I actually want to goof around with underwater photography. See what’s in the lake. Let friends goof around with it too.

But yeah, it’s nice to have some more options.

Anyway, good things today:

  • oh my god those squats, what do you mean 32 bottom half pulses, ughghghg (I did it though)
  • Laundry streak: 10 days
  • Made some minor repairs to some shoes.
  • Taught a friend the physiological sigh, took a photo of her daughter and sent it to her.
  • Had a little chat to another friend who has started EMDR. They are finding it interesting. They agree it is very strange.
  • Jumped into the quarry lake by myself, now that I know a slightly safer spot to do it. Yay, more cold exposure. It was cold.
  • Felt creative and inspired. Took some really bad underwater photos.
  • Silliness about attaching the camera to a giant rubber duck.
A woman with spacebuns under water. Her eyes and mouth are closed tightly and a few bubbles are escaping





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